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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Five Eye-Opening Facts About Our Bloated Post-9/11 'Defense' Spending | World | AlterNet

Five Eye-Opening Facts About Our Bloated Post-9/11 'Defense' Spending | World | AlterNet

Noam Chomsky Compares Right-Wing Media to Nazi Germany

Friday, May 27, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Since I'm All Into Weight Loss Success Stories

 Here's one for today.

Meet Michael

Day 4

Today is Day 4 of coordinating my life plan. I pick a Starbucks, set up my computer and then read, write, find inspiration, and plan for this new chapter. Today I'm at the Starbucks at Broadway and 63rd, right next to Lincoln Center. It doesn't get anymore inspiring than Lincoln Center.

I have two plans I'm working on. One is personal; one is professional. Both are equally important to me which is why I decided to take the week to focus on both. I've been doing a lot of reading on both and learning there are a lot of people out there like me. They want it all, they envision it all, but just don't know how to plan for what they want.

Writing down your goals and how to achieve them isn't easy, especially for people like me. See, I hit a bump in the road and immediately race back to the starting line. And then I stand at the line, frozen in my tracks. I also allow the insults of others, said under the guise of concern, to permeate everything I do. That's another thing I have to work on. Letting the things people say to me roll off my back.

Must remember: For some people, the only taste of success they have is taking a bite out of you.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lisa Lampanelli Rocks!

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Lisa Lampanelli donated $50,000 to GMHC. That worked out to $1000 each for every member of the Westboro Baptist Church.

What a great way to exercise your freedom of speech!

Lisa Lampanelli's photo: Me and Jimmy Big Balls with the HUGE check! We love u, GMHC!
Lisa Lampanelli on WhoSay

Todays Quote

"The men whom I have seen succeed best in life always have been cheerful and hopeful men; who went about their business with a smile on their faces; and took the changes and chances of this mortal life like men; facing rough and smooth alike as it came." Charles Kingsley

Sarah McLachlan - Witness

One of her best!

Gay Troops

As vehemently opposed to Don't Ask Don't Tell as I am, I can't for the life of me imagine why anyone gay or straight would want to serve in the military of this country. But there are plenty of people out there both gay and straight who do. So I applaud the first ever convention of gay troop members.

Gay Troops to Hold First Ever Convention in Las Vegas 

To the Guy on Grindr

who was all about picture etiquette. Um, I know Ben Andrews. He's neither 24 or 6'2.

Just saying.

(Follow up: It really was Ben Andrews!)

Really, Newt?

A $500,000 line of credit at Tiffany?

I imagine he'll drop out of the race, but an arrogant prick like that is hard to read.

All that Glitters May Redefine Run by Gingrich


Yesterday was invigorating. Read, wrote, blogged, explored the city. More of the same today but I'm exhausted. Could it be that I'm too old to get home at 4am anymore? I didn't do this in my twenties.

Making up for lost time, perhaps?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dear Gov. Cuomo

Thank you!

Gay Marriage Gets A Push in NY

Now that Bin Laden is Dead

I hope Giuliani, should he actually run, will have a more comprehensive plan. "I was there on 9/11" is not really a clear-cut plan for a country with the kind of problems we have now. Photos of you running up West Street won't help stimualate the economy, Rudy. I was there too. Does that make me qualified to run for POTUS?

NY Congressman hints at Guiliani in 2012 WH Run

Just When I Was Looking for Weight Loss Inspiration

Along comes Kris

Love This!

Life is a journey,
Not a destination,
There are no mistakes,
Just chances we’ve taken
Lay down your regrets cause all we have is now

Going Back to the Gym

I've been seriously considering going back to the gym. I haven't been since NYE when I took the very intense Carve class. Then this thing with my foot got pretty bad so I have taken some time off. A lot of time actually as it's practically June. Now I'm reading that people in my situation should just walk. I hate walking, lol! Not hate really. I used to love it but since the stroke it's such a chore. I get so tired after a lot of walking I can hardly function. Even in a city full of energy like New York it can be debilitating to walk very far or for a long time.

Any suggestions?

New Law

I heard that Congress passed a law that if the police smell weed in your building they can start kicking down doors. My question is, will the pizza guy be arrested and hauled in as an accessory to the crime?

Millionaire GOP Congressman Tells Town Hall: ‘I Ain’t Wealthy…I Live Like The Rest Of You Folks’

 I think it's great that he lives like the rest of us. I hope he also understands that he's got a duty to give to those less fortunate than himself.

Just Like You

Sorry, But I Won't Be Attending Because I'm Gay

While I understand the sentiment, I'm not sure I agree with the execution. Can I attend a family members wedding? Is it right of me to expect people to just "understand"? My brother is neither in favor of or against gay marriage and he would be devastated if I didn't attend his wedding. Is it worth hurting peoples feelings just to make a statement?

Not Going to the Chapel

By the Way

Never got to that Chub/Chaser party in Harlem. But it's on my to-do list.


Despite my initial reservations, I am now addicted to Grindr!

I'm not sure why. It might be that there's so many gay men in this city. It might be my need to connect with other gay men on a spiritual level. It might be the two hot puerto ricans I found in my building.

Whatever it is, Grindr has helped lift my spirits.

Monday, May 23, 2011

What a Lazy Day

Did nothing today but lay in bed thinking.

I have so much I want to accomplish but don't know where to begin.

I've always wanted success for myself, happiness for myself, everything in the world for myself.

Problem is, I have always taken the easy way out.

Just when something promising comes along, I have run like hell. I'm tired of running.

I'm tired of taking the easy way out.

They say anything worth having is worth working hard for.

I have been beaten up all my life, and that makes it difficult for me to see that I don't deserve what others have solely based on my circumstances.

Clearly, I know that to be true. I just hate the thought of it.